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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wild Seed by Octavia Butler

This is July's book group selection. We must have been in an odd mood when we picked this one as it is very different from our usual choices.

Anyanwu is a healer with the ability to metamorphose herself into any creature that she has tasted or
eaten. She can ingest plants and ascertain if they will heal or poison. She can alter her form to be male or female, but in the end, she is always Anyanwu, a healer. Anyanwu knows she cannot easily die and estimates she is over 300 years old.

Doro is neither a ghost or a spirit, but lives off of other bodies. He kills for pleasure, for necessity, to keep on living. Over the eons, he has built up colonies of peoples for his purposes, to try and breed another Doro, to supply himself with strong bodies, to create a super race of peoples. In his selfish quest for unique individuals he finds Anyanwu, a wild seed not of his making, but who he will make part of his plans.

This is both a fascinating and disturbing story. The dance between Anyanwu and Doro can be perplexing. Anyanwu is by no means stupid or dim witted, she has lived a long time and seen a lot, but yet she remains very passive/submissive in the presence of Doro.

Doro's actions and plans are disturbing as he is using people for breeding purposes. Here we see cultural conventions being challenged as he mates who he wants, when he wants, and, in some cases, how he wants.

I enjoyed this book because it made me think and squirm a bit. It's good to read something non-conventional every once and a while. Recommended.

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