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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Red Alert by James Patterson (NYPD Red #5)

Red Alert (NYPD Red, #5)Red Alert by James Patterson

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jacket Blurb:  NYPD Red is the elite, hard charging, investigative task force called in only for New York City's most high-profile crimes. Detective Zach Jordan is the best of the best, a brilliant and tireless detective. He puts professionalism above all, ignoring his feelings for his partner Kylie MacDonald, the woman who broke his heart when they first met at the police academy. After solving a brutal string of murders during the Hollywood on Hudson film festival, the scandalous hazmat killer case, the mysterious kidnapping of a billionaire businessman's son, and a shocking jewel heist at a Manhattan movie premiere, Zach and Kylie return to face the most dangerous criminal of their careers.

3.5 stars - dropped a star for my complaint below.

Read as an audio book.

I enjoyed this latest installment with one significant issue, and I would even go as far to say this is a major complaint:

Mr. Patterson, DO move on from the whole ex-girlfriend/current girlfriend angst. It's stupid on so many levels. Zack got a gorgeous (all the women are in the Patterson books) and caring girlfriend and all he does is compare the fine Dr. to his partner and ex-girlfriend from 10 years ago, and whine about not having her. And this has been going on for FIVE books. Talk about conceited...

If it weren't for that, this would be a fantastic book. I enjoyed the plots (there are always several), I thought the antagonists were almost more interesting that our fine detectives (less whining about what girl they have/don't have), and the supporting characters a delightful counterpoint to everyone else. While some might find the Mayor's brusk and attitude of "Find the serial killer NOW..." off-putting, as someone who does work with politicians, that demanding behavior is so, so true.

Where I was left a bit perplexed was calling the bomber a serial killer when it was well known he was specifically targeting four individuals.

And as I'm writing my review, I just realized there was at least one items left hanging - the tripod marks at the abandoned hotel. Who was videoing the murder of Aubrey? Hmm....

This is a fast paced, twisty-turny book with interesting plots and great supporting characters. Recommended if you've read the first four in the series.

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