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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Sister's Gift - Sourdough Bread

I celebrated another birthday this year (darn it!) and my Sister and her Husband sent me a fantastic birthday present: two loaves of San Fransico sourdough bread from the Boudin Bakery. The Sister discovered this bread about 15 years ago and back then I was the happy recipent of 6 loaves! For some reason as the years passed we forgot about this tangy, crusty, soft bread until recently when we both began to reminice about the loaves of days gone by.

This bread is good broken off in chunks and eaten with soup or chili, it's great warmed up with a bit of butter slathered over it and it adds great flavor to sandwiches of all kinds. What more can I say about such yummy bread. Check out the website and order some!

Thanks Sis! The bread is as good as we remember!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard about that bread before. I sounds awesome. I love me a good hunk of sourdough toast with butter! YUM!

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