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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Movie Review: Moon

Moon is a independent science fiction film produced in 2009 and proceeded to win a slew of awards. A couple of folks from the book group attempted to go see it at our local indie theater just after it opened, but due to misinformation, missed it. Therein lies the wonders of Netflix!

The premise of the movie is Astronaut Sam Bell is an employee contracted by the company Lunar Industries to oversee the extraction helium-3 from lunar soil for exportation back to Earth. Sam is near the end of his three year solo stint and is looking forward to going back home to his wife and child. His only companion has been the robot GERTY (think Hal here folks).

Two weeks out from the end of his contract, Sam begins to see visions and on a run out to one of the excavators he crashes himself under one of the tracts. Sam wakes up in the sick bay weak and agitated. GERTY won't let him leave the confines to go fix the extractor, noting that Lunar Industries has someone on the way to facilitate repairs. Sam, ever resourceful, tricks GERTY into opening the locks, and he heads out across the Lunar landscape.

What he finds is himself.

I thought this was an excellent film on several levels. It starts out feeling rather like a horror film, very suspenseful, and indeed it had me looking at the envelope to make sure I hadn't picked a horror film. But then it grades gradually into a psychological thriller, a what is happening and how did it come about. We see Sam struggling with a physical breakdown and the mental realizations that all is not as it seems with Lunar Industries.

I shan't tell you any more because it is really a movie that should just be watched. Recommended.

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