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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Son of Justice by Steven L. Hawk

Son of JusticeSon of Justice by Steven L. Hawk

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jacket Blurb: 
For more than a dozen years, Eli has studied the art of war from some of the most skilled fighters on three planets. There's no question, he has what it takes to be a professional soldier.

There's just one problem. His father is General Grant Justice, the most famous man in the galaxy and leader of a new governmental alliance that unites four alien races.

When it comes time to enlist, the younger Justice has to make a choice. Rely on his last name and claim an automatic commission as an officer? Or enter basic training as a lowly private and earn his way to the top?

For Eli, the decision is an easy one. He changes his name and enlists as an anonymous recruit.
Unfortunately, not all of life's choices have such clear-cut answers. An alien-led rebellion is brewing in the ranks of the army he has just joined, and Eli is forced to choose sides. His actions will determine the fate of his father, the alliance, and the entire human race.

April's book group book.

This was a light and enjoyable military scifi book in the tradition of say, Ender's Game or loosely (and I do mean loosely) Starship Troopers. While this didn't have the emotional weight or impact of the afore mentioned books, it plays homage to the themes found therein: a young recruit making his own way through the ranks to find inner strength and resolve to stand up against adversity.

Premise of the book is Eli Jayson (ne Justice) is going through "boot camp" under an alias to avoid preferential treatment. His father is the renown General Justice, bringer of Peace to what is now the Shiale Alliance. As Eli makes his way up the ranks, he faces adversity and challenge at every turn. When he stumbles up on the Zthrn attempt to overthrown the planet, it becomes more than just a training exercise.

This felt like a young adult book. I'm not sure where it's 'shelved', technically, but the overall tone and theme read like new adult/young adult. What this did not feel like is a "coming of age" book - don't get me wrong,it basically is, but it didn't feel like it and I appreciated that.

I found the aliens interesting, the plot moved the characters smartly along, the premise of the training and new equipment felt integrated into the story and gosh darn it, Eli is just a nice guy.

What I didn't care for was the "love interest". His female acquaintance from a decade ago decides to transfer out of his battalion so they can date. Right. Uh huh. Didn't work for me - a romance where there didn't need to be one.

So other than my one romance quirk, I enjoyed the story.

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