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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Rouge Protocol by Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries #3)

Rogue Protocol (The Murderbot Diaries, #3)Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jacket Blurb: SciFi’s favorite antisocial A.I. is again on a mission. The case against the too-big-to-fail GrayCris Corporation is floundering, and more importantly, authorities are beginning to ask more questions about where Dr. Mensah’s SecUnit is.

And Murderbot would rather those questions went away. For good.

Book three follows a similar format to book two: Murderbot decides to investigate some information, hitches a ride across the system, makes the acquaintance of a particular AI, infiltrates station, and saves the humans.

Despite the formulaic plot, it's still an engaging, interesting and humorous read. Murderbot admits SecUnits have depression and anxiety issues - they them self have social issues in being unable to relate to humans, in addition to struggling with guilt, uncertainty, and perhaps a bit of jealousy because someone cared for and AI. It's relatable because it's what being human is and we don't get other humans.

What I particularly noticed in this installment is just how much hacking Murderbot is able to do on the fly. In my opinion (which amounts to a pile of jelly beans) what was a neat character trait in the first two books was somewhat overdone in book three and even for scifi, started to move into the realm of improbability. Is this enough to prevent me from reading the next book? Heaven's no, but it is worth noting.

These are great "Doritos" reads for me right now - they are the perfect length where I don't have to invest a buttload of time I don't have, Murderbot is interesting and the whole premise is engaging. Recommended.

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