I'll start with that one:
Steamed Clams and Shrimp with Vegetables (My OWN creation!) 4.0
The unit we stayed in on Edisto had close to a fully stocked kitchen utensils-wise, but nothing in the seasoning department. I didn't want to be buying anything more than absolutely necessary to make meals with so we were eating breakfast and lunches in, and going out for dinner (or lunch if we were traveling).
But we both wanted to make one meal out of the local seafood. The Husband really wanted to do soft shell crab (or any crab), but I am a northern girl, I honestly don't know how to do crab with out a recipe and a few more ingredients. So we compromised and bought some clams and shrimp. THOSE I can deal with.
I set some baby red potatoes to boil to cook, tossed in some green beans near the end then drained and set aside. I had one little pat of real butter that I stole from the previous dinner, and I set that to melt. I tossed in some onion and chopped zucchini and yellow squash to lightly brown, turned up the heat, and added the clams and shrimp. Then I dumped a partial bottle of beer (sorry, I don't remember the brand, it was local) and clamped a lid on to let everything steam.
The steaming took longer than I anticipated, and I wished I would have added the zucchini at the same time as the seafood because it got a little over cooked. End result was still fantastic tho!
Palak (Saag) Paneer (Yoga+, Spring 09) 2.5
This was a pretty labor intensive dish that turned out so-so so I'm not going to post the recipe.
First I was required to make the Paneer which required bring to a boil 1/2 gallon of milk, then adding the juice of four squished lemons, boiling for a few moments more to allow the curds and whey to separate. Once removed from the heat I dumped it into a colander lined with cheese cloth. From here it is a tedious manner to get all the liquid to drain out over the next hour or so. I consulted my Indian cookbook and they recommended leaving the cheese overnight in the fridge, but the recipe I was following said use immediately. Which was my intent.
Then I sauteed up some onion and spices, added the spinach to wilt, then tossed in the crumbled cheese. This is where we started to run into...less than acceptable recipe. I had waaayy more cheese than I did spinach mixture, and the spinach mixture wasn't nice and runny (I like mine gloppy - like they serve in an Indian restaurant). I added some extra whey and some half and half to the spinach to thin it out, but what I needed was more wilted spinach than the recipe called for. Oh well.
Still, it turned out edible and it made 4 meals when combined with brown rice. I don't think I'll be making this again. Too much work and it's more fun to go out for Indian.
Ghee (for above recipe)
Not sure I made this right either....basically you simmer all the butterfat off, carefully removing it as you go along.
Spring Asian Stir Fry (Vegetarian Times, March 09) 4.0
Now this was a good recipe! Very easy to make - I think I had it on the table in about 30 minutes total, from the time it took me to pull everything out of the fridge and slice it up to sitting down to eat.
Start a pot of water to boil for the whole wheat linguine - another thing I liked about this recipe, regular noodles. I didn't have to hunt down a bag of some Chinese noodle that I wouldn't use for the next year.
Slice up onion, red pepper, boc choy, broccoli and snow pea pods. When the water starts to boil for the noodles, add the noodles then start stir-frying the veggies. Everything should get done about the same time. Then add the siracha chili sauce and hosin sauce. Go easy on the siracha if you prefer less heat!
My only complaint with the recipe was it called for cooking the vegetables for 10 minutes! Way to much. I'm going to make this again but with tofu. Should be yummy!
Black Bean Chili Topped Sweet-Potatoes (centerpullball blog) 4.0
Be still my beating heart! Was this ever good! And EASY! Get this - you cook the sweet potato WHOLE in the SLOW-COOKER! Yes! Wash up a couple large sweet potatoes (I used red garnet because I like orange sweet potatoes), plunk them in the slow cooker on low for 4-6 hours and walk away. I did add a little water to the bottom of my slow cooker and cooked for 8 hours. Each slow cooker is different.
When you are ready for supper, slice up some onion, take a cup of salsa, a can of undrained black beans and some seasonings if you like (cumin, chili powder) and combine on the stove and let cook for 10 minutes or so. Serve over the top of the sweet potatoes.
MMmm, Mmmm, good! This link should get you to her recipe: Centrepullball.