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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik

I read His Majesty's Dragon a year or so ago and found it interesting and disappointing at the same time. The concept of the English fighting Napoleon with an aerial armada of dragons was different, but I struggled with some of what seemed like anachronisms within the setting.

In book two, I felt those anachronisms were fixed - mind you, they were subtle - but as a whole the setting and place seemed more solid and plausible to me.

Premise of the book is Temeraire has become a pawn between the Chinese and England. The Chinese are appalled that this highly regarded and very rare Celestial Dragon is being used for combat purposes. The English want to keep China as a trading partner and preferably either an ally or a neutral force in their fight against Napoleon.

Temeraire and Laurence are put on a ship to China with the hope that Temeraire will stay behind in his proper place as a dragon for the Chinese Emperor.

This was a very fast read, with some good action. I'll be reading the third book (in part because I already own it).

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