Young Flinx is now 17. Through a strange circumstance he finds himself the temporary captive of a intergalactic merchant named Challis. Challis owes a beguiling stone called a Janus jewel which can be manipulated to do certain things with the right kind of mind. Challis, through extensive research, has found out that Flinx has that right kind of mind. Unfortunately, before Flinx can be ‘persuaded’, he is rescued by Pip (his flying lethal mini-dragon) and a friend. Challis escapes, but he has already eluded to knowing Flinx’s parentage.
Flinx decides he must pursue Challis across the known galaxy to find out what he knows and this takes him back to Terra (aka: Earth). Flinx loses Challis but turns his attention to the Commonwealth Church and their records on every known human and thranx (remember - they look like ants) in existence. There he discovers his record has been tampered with, a violation of Church policy and he interrupts some kind of subterfuge. Invoking an ancient Thranx oath, he persuades a very reluctant young Thranx female to accompany him to a planet that has been placed Under Edict. No one goes in, no one comes out. But there Flinx must go.
These are enjoyable little books. Light on the science, light on the fiction. As the books unfold, you find characters that perhaps you had written off in a previous book suddenly playing a very prominent role in this one. For example, there was a rather minor character in this one who has escaped from her pursuit and further interaction with Flinx and his current characters, but I know who will show up in some later book to do grievous harm. I like these rotating characters - it adds another level of interest to the story.
This isn’t to say the books are perfect, they certainly have their faults, but they are fun and quick to read.