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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Odyssey by Jack McDevitt

This was July's book group selection. We've also read Chindi by McDevitt to mixed reviews, so I was surprised when this one made it through our convoluted voting process.

Pricilla Hutchins is still with the Academy, this time as manager of the space research agency, the Academy. The Academy is in trouble, their motives and need being questioned by government and big business alike. Meanwhile, out beyond the immediate boundaries of the solar system, pilots are seeing “moonriders” – big, black, spheroid objects that fly in formation. The people on Earth don’t believe there could possibly be such a thing (despite independent sightings) and the Academy is further ridiculed.

An opportunity presents itself in the way of a partially sponsored mission to drop monitoring boxes to watch for these unbelievable objects in space. Gregory McAllister, news journalist and good friend of Hutch, agrees to go on this mission, along with a Senators daughter and the Academy’s political liaison, Eric. While out in space, Hutch and McAllister, find more than the possibility of “moonriders”, they find asteroids being thrown at Earth projects and a threat to the whole of space itself.

Okay, this ones a bit melodramatic, but it is a sci-fi mystery thriller. This is the third book of McDevitt's I’ve read (the other two being Chindi and Omega) and I found this one to be more interesting. The plot wasn’t the greatest, but the story didn’t seem to drag on as it did in the other two. I found myself interested enough to keep turning those pages. McDevitt seems to have a theme in his books, or at least the three that I’ve read now – big mysterious object in space is threatening humanity (or might threaten humanity) and Hutch and McAllister must save the world. So all in all, I liked this book.

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